It can never be overstated that our words carry power and what we say can either work for us or against us, depending on our state of mind. The Bible says Life and death are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruits thereof (Proverbs 18:21).

This emphasises the importance of how what we say affects us as believers and how our words must be used. ‘Loving the tongue’ as used there is valuing whatever you say and never being careless in speech. Therefore to ‘eat the fruit’ of the tongue, you must make confessions consistently.

What Confessions Are and What They Are Not

John Hagee once described confessions as saying with your mouth what God has already said in His Word. The nature of confessions is not just repeating positive statements to yourself as they do in New Age religion; it is repeating to yourself the promises of God.

When confessing God’s word, your focus is on God and his ability to do what he has said, not on yourself or what you can do. This distinction is important to let you know that when you confess to yourself, it must be God’s word or nothing else.

Knowing what to confess is the first step to transforming your life with confessions but the most important is knowing how to confess God’s word.

How to Make Confessions Work for You

  1. Confess the words with all your heart, with passion, boldness and gladness of heart: To get these confessions to work for you, you must say them with intention, joy and no shred of doubt in your mind. Say it to yourself like you mean every word of it and expect every word of it to be true in your life.


  1. Make your confessions as loud as possible if your environment allows you: It can’t be a confesion if it’s not spoken out loud. When you confess God’s word to yourself, make sure you speak it out—not mutter, not whisper but actually say it till your voice comes back to you. Speaking the word loud to yourself helps it sink into your consciousness and when it does, you begin to act accordingly.


  1. Repeat it at least 3 times daily but several times daily is better and works faster.


  1. Your timing is essential: Early in the morning, afternoon and bedtime are strongly recommended.


  1. Your environment is also crucial: As much as possible, make your confession in your privacy and in public conversations. Avoid making negative confessions in public that are contrary to your private positive godly confessions.


  1. The accompanying activities are equally important: You can do your confession as part of your prayer and meditation arrangements.


  1. Listen to audiobooks filled with confessions from God’s word while driving, showering, dressing up, cooking, etc.


As a believer, you have to understand that life won’t give you what you want unless you demand it using God’s word as your primary weapon. It is therefore imperative to know what and how to use your tongue to work for you.

Resolve from today as one created in the image and likeness of God, to use the word of God, to influence and bless your life, spouse, children, family, finance, career, business, relationships, community, and country.

Everything that affects you can be influenced by the word of God confessed and declared with your Tongue.

The above is an excerpt from the book, The Ultimate Confession Book. If you would like to know more about how to speak God’s word into your life and situations, you can get a copy of the confessions guide here.