The power of just those five words. ‘Can We Have Two Golds?’ created loads of unspeakable joy in the hearts of not only the two athletes from Italy and Qatar but also in their training camps, the other Olympic officials, other athletes and other people from all over the world.

That is the power of words. The tongue has the power to speak words of death and life.

  • Your words can lift someone up or bring the person down.
  • Your words can inspire or also depress your hearers.
  • Your words create happiness or sadness.
  • Your words can correct or confuse.
  • Your words can guide or misdirect.

What kind of words do we speak to ourselves and others in our homes, offices, parties, meetings and during conversations?

What kind of words do we speak to ourselves and others when we are happy, offended, winning, defeated,  hungry, satisfied, promoted, demoted, encouraged or discouraged?

The words we speak are seeds. And in the nature of seeds, they will surely germinate, grow and bear fruits. And you the speaker and sower of the seed will one way or the other have to harvest the fruits of your labour. As it is written in Proverbs 18: 21, Death and life are the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

The five words, ‘Can We Have Two Golds?’ spoken by Mutaz Barshim of Qatar in Tokyo Japan have created joy around the world. They demonstrated a high level of the spirit of sportsmanship and love for one another even in the face of competition and brought joy to many people around the world.

What effects and impact are your words having in your home, office, neighbourhood, community, state and country? Are people laughing or crying because of your words? Are people happy or sad because of the things you said to them? Are people encouraged or discouraged by your words? Are your words the reason someone is inspired to succeed or depressed to commit suicide?

Speak Well Lessons

  • Always remember that your words carry the power of death and life.
  • Your evil and destructive words of today will hunt after you tomorrow.
  • Your little words of love and care of today can open doors of favour for you tomorrow.
  • Self-control and loving others as you love yourself is the key to help you Speak Well at all times.
  • Selflessness and magnanimity in victory is the height of maturity and statesmanship.
  • You will be held accountable for your words.

Your tongue is more powerful than you know. Speak Well because you will eat the fruit of your tongue.

Visit for more on speaking well.

You may read part 1 of Can We Have Two Golds here?