Saul had gone in search of his father’s donkeys in 1 Samuel chapters 9 and 10. He met Samuel the prophet and a lot transpired from which we can glean about the prophetic ministry and divine guidance but that is not my focus for today.

I’m looking at chapter 10 verses 15-16. Saul’s uncle asked him where he had been and he explained how he went in search of his father’s donkeys and how he went to Samuel the prophet in furtherance of his search.

And Saul’s uncle said, “Tell me please what Samuel said to you.” So Saul said to his uncle “He told us plainly that the donkeys had been found,” but about the matter of the kingdom, he did not tell him what Samuel had said.

How many of us exercise this kind of discretion in our affairs?

Your daughter is two weeks pregnant and you have announced her everywhere. Will the testimony not share itself when the pregnancy bulges?

Your husband is bidding for a multimillion-naira contract and you have announced it home and abroad. Should you not wait for him to win the contract first?

Too many times, we complicate our lives with a lack of discretion.

Too many times, we complicate our lives with a lack of discretion. Share on X

Let’s be clear, I’m not communicating this from the place of fear. I agree testimonies need to be shared but at the appropriate time.

Saul had been anointed “king” what an epic event! But he did not tell his uncle. We can only imagine what could have happened if he had not restrained himself.

A plot to end his life may have begun. Oppositions might have risen against him identifying his lack of qualification, the process might have been delayed or even truncated altogether! So many avoidable negative things could have happened.

According to Ecclesiastes 3:11, there is a time for everything. A time to speak and a time to refrain…

What is that important issue in your life you are about to “share” and you need to press the STOP button?

What is that important issue in your life you are about to “share” and you need to press the STOP button? Share on X

May the wisdom of God guide our utterances continually.

Have a blessed week.

Yemisi Bamishile